


威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全的使命是为学生提供一个安全可靠的环境, 教师, 教职员及校园访客. DPS strives to achieve this mission through a community friendly approach that enhances safety through the visibility of security personnel, 预防巡逻, 24小时可访问性, 积极解决冲突, 以及犯罪预防和意识项目. DPS与当地执法部门和社区组织合作,履行其使命.

除了他们在维护校园社区安全方面的作用, DPS officers also are trained to assist in medical emergencies 和 have access to portable defibrillators for use in emergency situations.


威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全有一个“赞美”, “评论和投诉”机制提供给希望登记称赞的个人, 关于DPS的评论或投诉. 赞赏、评论和投诉表格见附件B.  对官员或部门的赞扬将在内部得到认可和记录. Comments will be acknowledged 和 evaluated in the context of public safety's departmental philosophy of continuous improvement. 投诉将根据警务处的调查指引及时得到确认和调查. A summary of complaints will be prepared 和 provided on an annual basis to the Chief Administrative Officer 和 the President of the University.


  1. 对一名国安局官员行为的调查, 包括使用武力, 可应公共安全署长或其上级的要求提出。. Such an investigation may be initiated as the result of an internal or external complaint or on the Director's or his superior's own initiative.

  2. 公共安全署长或其上级将决定调查的性质和范围.

  3. Typically the investigation will be conducted by the Director of 公共安全 or his designee as an internal 和 confidential personnel matter. 然而, there shall also be a 公共安全 Review Board which at the discretion of the President of the University or the Director of 公共安全 may be requested to conduct investigations, 使研究结果, 和, 如果请求, 向公共安全局长或总统提出的建议. The President may at his discretion appoint additional members to work with the st和ing 公共安全 Review Board on any given matter.

  4. 审查委员会应由一名教员组成, 一个学生, 行政人员:行政人员中的一员, 社区成员, DPS的工作人员, 也是另一个执法机构的成员. 董事会成员每年由大学校长任命.

  5. 在调查一名警官的行为时, 它是否由投诉促成, the officer may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay or reassigned to alternative duties pending the conclusion of the investigation.

  6. 在调查结束时, appropriate employment-related action may be taken if deemed to be warranted by the Director of 公共安全 or his supervisor(s).


I. 目的

这项政策的目的是规范闭路电视(CCTV)摄像机的使用, (监控摄像头), 监控和记录校园区域,以确保安全.  The use of security cameras is one tool used by 威尼斯人网上娱乐 公共安全 to fulfill its Departmental Mission Statement.

II. 范围

本政策适用于威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全人员进行的所有闭路电视监控.  大学其他院系使用闭路电视监控, 学院或学校, 如果有任何, 不受此政策的约束.

3. 一般原则

  1. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan using state-of-the-art technology is closed circuit television (CCTV).  The Department of 公共安全 is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of private campus safety with CCTV technology. 

  2. The purpose of CCTV monitoring of campus areas by campus security personnel is to deter crime 和 to assist the 公共安全 Department in protecting the safety of persons 和 property on the University campus. 

  3. 参与闭路电视监测的人员将在负责任地使用这项技术方面接受培训和监督.  Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action consistent with the rules 和 regulations governing employees of the University.

  4. 通过闭路电视监控获得的信息将专门用于安全, 执法, 及正式的大学商业用途. 

  5. CCTV monitoring of campus areas for security purposes will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing University policies, 包括非歧视政策, 性骚扰政策, 公开表达指引, 其他相关的大学政策和适用的民权法律.  因此, 闭路电视监控不会基于一个人的种族进行, 性别, 性取向, 国家的起源, 残疾或其他受保护的特征.

  6. 帮助维持一个知情的大学社区, the Department of 公共安全 will post this policy on its web site as well as location information for all CCTV monitoring locations. 

VI. 责任

  1. The Department of 公共安全 shall oversee 和 coordinate the use of CCTV monitoring for safety 和 security purposes.

  2. The Department of 公共安全 will monitor new developments in the relevant law 和 in security industry practices to help ensure that its CCTV monitoring operations are consistent with accepted st和ards 和 practices.

  3. 摄像机控制操作员将接受技术培训, 适当使用相机的法律和道德参数.  Camera control operators will receive a copy of this policy 和 provide written acknowledgement that they have read 和 understood its content.

V. 操作和澳门威尼斯人网站

  1. The master program/computer for the CCTV system will be locked in a separate limited access room away from the communications/dispatch area.  Only the Director of 公共安全 和 Administrative Assistant will be authorized to alter the master program 和/or save video from the master program.

  2. 录制的视频媒体将存储不超过30天,然后将被擦除, 除非作为调查或法庭澳门威尼斯人网站(刑事或民事)的一部分而保留, 或其他大学官方商业用途, 由公共安全署署长决定 in consultation with the Vice President for Business 和 Finance.

  3. Saved video media will be stored in the departmental electronic data fire proof safe which can be accessed only by the Director of 公共安全 和 the Administrative Assistant.  保存的视频数据将通过正常的取证澳门威尼斯人网站和日志与部门案件报告相协调.

  4. 威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全办公室,摄像机控制操作员将在其他人的视野范围内进行闭路电视观察.

  5. 没有摄像头将被放置在预期隐私的地方,1.e.、休息室、更衣室、运动员更衣室等.  内部摄像头可以放置在人流量大的地方, suspected criminal activity 和/or high value equipment where personal 和/or University property safety is a concern. 

  6. 摄像机控制操作员可以根据可疑行为监视个人, but not based upon protected individual characteristics as set forth in University Policies 和 applicable Civil Rights laws.

  7. Windows of Residence Halls 和 private living quarters on the University campus will not be monitored or viewed by CCTV.  校园内所有其他建筑物和场地, 还有停车场, 人行道上, 校园草地将被视为“公共”,并可能被闭路电视查看和监控.

  8. Information obtained through CCTV monitoring may be released to persons or entities outside the University (such as 执法) only when compelled by lawful means, 比如传票, 或经公共安全署署长授权, 在与商业和金融副总裁协商后, 按照这个政策.  CCTV video data will not be released to news or media sources without the additional approval of the Director of University Communications.

  9. 在“需要知道”的基础上,校园公共安全以外的大学员工可以观看闭路电视视频, 由公共安全署署长决定, 与财务和行政副总裁协商.

  10. 校园社区的成员, 个人或小团体, may observe “live” CCTV monitoring operations at the Drake 公共安全 Communications Center by making an appointment with the 校园公共安全 Department.

VI.  闭路电视不能保证校园安全

No one should assume that the presence of a CCTV system on campus will guarantee safety for persons or property at all times.  而, 这是威尼斯人网上娱乐公共安全部门继续努力加强校园安全的又一个工具.  更多信息可在 公共安全网站.

7.  不是合同

威尼斯人网上娱乐不打算在此政策中与任何个人或实体签订合同.  这些澳门威尼斯人网站可由获授权的大学官员随时修改,恕不另行通知.


注:大学的 失踪学生政策 的Word文件可在此下载. 该文件包括学生指定的保密联系表. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 学生办公室主任.




    非紧急情况- 515-271-2222

     紧急情况- 911



