


Even if you don't think you qualify for financial aid, you should 提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 你可能会对威尼斯人网上娱乐能提供的东西感到惊讶!

FAFSA是美国的一个机构.S. Department of Education form that your family fills out to help determine how much financial aid Drake can offer you. FAFSA是 只有 这样才有资格获得联邦学生资助. Since we want you to get the best financial aid package you can, 我们强烈建议您填写FAFSA. Don't forget to include Drake's FAFSA school code, 001860.

The FAFSA application opens on October 1 of your senior year of high school. Drake's priority deadline for completing the application is March 1. 有些经济援助是根据先到者发放的, 标间, 所以3月1日的最后期限很重要.

一旦你完成FAFSA,我们的 财政援助办公室 will work with you and your family to help meet the costs of financing an education at 威尼斯人网上娱乐. 你完整的经济援助计划可能包括 奖学金 as well as several of the financial aid options outlined below.


Below are examples of federal grants that can be incorporated into a financial aid package. 要申请,你必须填写一份 FAFSA.

  • 联邦佩尔助学金: This grant provides assistance to undergraduate students who are working toward their first degree and have demonstrated high levels of financial need. 2018-19年度,最高限额为6095美元.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): 在威尼斯人网上娱乐, students eligible for Federal Pell Grants are also considered for FSEOG (as funds permit). 威尼斯人网上娱乐典型的FSEOG奖励是每年1200美元.


In addition to its merit-based and non-need-based 奖学金, we will consider you for a Drake grant based on your financial need when you file the FAFSA. These grants are renewable but may vary in amount depending upon your academic record and financial need. In general, Drake grants are available for a maximum of eight full-time semesters.


爱荷华州学费补助金s are need-based grants awarded to qualified Iowa residents planning to attend Drake at least quarter-time. 在2019-20年度,最高资助金额为6,000美元. FAFSA申请爱荷华州学费助学金的截止日期是7月1日. Several states provide "transportable" grants and 奖学金 that may be applied to your education at Drake. Your high school guidance counselor can help determine if your state offers this option.


To apply for an 国际学生助学金, you must first 申请威尼斯人网上娱乐. A link to the grant application process is provided within your Drake admission application.

Our international admission counselors are experts at explaining your financing options and helping you and your family budget resources. 如有任何疑问,请与 Office of 入学 toll-free, 1-800-44-DRAKE, x3181. If calling from outside the United States, dial 1-515-271-3181.


Federal work-study awards are another kind of grant available to U.S. 学生根据计算的经济需求. 你可以通过填写FAFSA申请勤工俭学奖学金. If you receive a work-study award, applications will be available for you to complete at orientation. You may either accept the job assigned to you or pursue your own employment through 威尼斯人网上娱乐的专业和职业发展服务.

就业 awards generally range from $500 to $2,000 a year. Wage rates are compliant with Iowa and federal wage laws and are based on the job skills required and experience desired by the employer. A typical Drake student works eight to twelve hours per week. A Federal Work Study award does not represent a guarantee of employment. Federal work study earned is paid directly to the student in the middle of the month for hours worked during the previous month.


The 联邦直接补贴和无补贴贷款s allow you to borrow low-interest loans with payment deferred during your college attendance. 作为一个独立的学生, 你最多可以借5美元,第一年500美元, $6,大学二年级时赚了500美元, 和7美元,三年级和四年级各500英镑. These loans are subsidized or unsubsidized depending on your financial need. As an independent student, you have expanded borrowing capabilities. 提交FAFSA以确定您的贷款资格. 如果你有资格获得联邦直接斯塔福德贷款, application instructions will be included in your award notice from Drake.

这是一笔固定利率贷款.  After you cease to be enrolled at least half time, a six month grace period begins. During the grace period, you are not required to make a loan payment.


This loan can be awarded to you if you’re pursuing the Doctor of Pharmacy degree at 威尼斯人网上娱乐. The Federal Health Profession Student Loan has limited funding and is awarded based on financial need on a funds-available basis with awards ranging from $1,000 to $6,000元/年. 这笔贷款的固定利率是5%, with your repayment period beginning 12 months after the end of your enrollment as a full-time pharmacy student. Repayment will begin during the in-school period for you if you receive a Health Profession Student Loan, 保持了, 而是从药学博士项目转过来的.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate 学生 (PLUS Loan)

The Federal Direct PLUS provides funding for your parent(s) if you are a dependent student. Your parent(s) may borrow the difference between your cost of education and all other financial assistance. A FAFSA application is required for the Federal Direct PLUS. The parent borrower may request to defer payments as long as you maintain half-time enrollment or payment and interest charges will begin within 60 days of receipt of funds. 利率是固定的.


Our financial aid counselors are experts at explaining your financing options and helping you and your family budget resources. 如有任何疑问,请与 财政援助办公室 免费电话,1-800-44-DRAKE, x2905. If calling from outside the United States, dial 1-515-271-2905.
